How do you parent when you struggle with chronic conditions? Plus, suggestions for those wanting to help parents with pain.
Saving this to return to on those flare up days! Thank you for the suggestions.🙏
I love these ideas, even just for myself lol I used to love painting on the cement with water and a brush as a kid - no mess to clean up afterwards but I could create for hours! My parents were onto a winner with that one!
Love this idea
My son knows I'm having a flare when I have my heat pad on and we cuddle up with the laptop. Some days that's all I can do!
It is definitely an easy way to go big without breaking the bank or leaving the house
Saving this to return to on those flare up days! Thank you for the suggestions.🙏
I love these ideas, even just for myself lol I used to love painting on the cement with water and a brush as a kid - no mess to clean up afterwards but I could create for hours! My parents were onto a winner with that one!
Love this idea
My son knows I'm having a flare when I have my heat pad on and we cuddle up with the laptop. Some days that's all I can do!
It is definitely an easy way to go big without breaking the bank or leaving the house