Very excited by all of your offerings coming up in the new year. (And it didn’t feel like I was being sold to!)
I really resonate with looking for community out of desperation, more than anything. I’m good at asking for help, in fact my life literally depends on it (hello sobriety) but I still struggle in parenting. Neither my partner or I have parents that are available, physically and/or emotionally. So connecting with a village has taken literally years to build from the ground up. And since we’ve had the pandemic + my illness to navigate since then, lots and I mean LOTS of people have fallen away.
Hmmm, Substack and finding people whose writing and art I connect with it literally like saving. Even if I don’t reach out to someone, reading that one article where you feel less alone is often the life raft I need in these winter times; seasonally and in mothering.
Thank you for writing all of this out! I appreciate how candid you are by why you need community and relate a lot. God willing, I will have six years clean and sober January 20th. Community has also changed drastically since I’ve become a mom and I think the more voices we read about on that, the better.
Not sure if you’re looking for podcasts to listen to or read on that topic, but I spoke with a handful of wonderful women last spring on Nurturing Spaces: Building Community in Motherhood. I find a lot of wisdom and peace in their perspectives.
Lastly, thank you so much for your excitement. I’ve been looking over comments, messages, and evaluating my own energy limitations to cultivate these calendar plans. I’m also excited to take it easy this year, but together.
I find candid is best; to find “my tribe” as it were. Do you follow a 12 step programme? Or did you just decide that you’d like to lead a life of sobriety?
I’m also looking out for podcasts and books. Thank you for your recommendation. I’ll check it out!
Do you ever use YouTube for inspiring talks about connection and the longing for community? I’ve found a few sources of inspiration that I’m happy to share (based on our similarities).
I think 2025 sounds like it’s got all of the ingredients for something special. With time, more all of course will be revealed 😃
Very excited by all of your offerings coming up in the new year. (And it didn’t feel like I was being sold to!)
I really resonate with looking for community out of desperation, more than anything. I’m good at asking for help, in fact my life literally depends on it (hello sobriety) but I still struggle in parenting. Neither my partner or I have parents that are available, physically and/or emotionally. So connecting with a village has taken literally years to build from the ground up. And since we’ve had the pandemic + my illness to navigate since then, lots and I mean LOTS of people have fallen away.
Hmmm, Substack and finding people whose writing and art I connect with it literally like saving. Even if I don’t reach out to someone, reading that one article where you feel less alone is often the life raft I need in these winter times; seasonally and in mothering.
Thank you for writing all of this out! I appreciate how candid you are by why you need community and relate a lot. God willing, I will have six years clean and sober January 20th. Community has also changed drastically since I’ve become a mom and I think the more voices we read about on that, the better.
Not sure if you’re looking for podcasts to listen to or read on that topic, but I spoke with a handful of wonderful women last spring on Nurturing Spaces: Building Community in Motherhood. I find a lot of wisdom and peace in their perspectives.
Lastly, thank you so much for your excitement. I’ve been looking over comments, messages, and evaluating my own energy limitations to cultivate these calendar plans. I’m also excited to take it easy this year, but together.
I find candid is best; to find “my tribe” as it were. Do you follow a 12 step programme? Or did you just decide that you’d like to lead a life of sobriety?
I’m also looking out for podcasts and books. Thank you for your recommendation. I’ll check it out!
Do you ever use YouTube for inspiring talks about connection and the longing for community? I’ve found a few sources of inspiration that I’m happy to share (based on our similarities).
I think 2025 sounds like it’s got all of the ingredients for something special. With time, more all of course will be revealed 😃