In the past year we have done a lot together.
We’ve dived deep into discussions on building community with mothers online and in person.
We’ve fostered conversations on chronic illness, depression, and faith.
We’ve created the Mental Health & Motherhood Virtual Conference, which connected 13 women from different backgrounds to lead us in the topic of self compassion!
This can seem like a lot of hurrying around but truly it was a year built on learning about rest and leaning on women for support.
I don’t exaggerate when I say many of these ventures were made possible from the desperation of suffering in daily pain. When you can no longer help yourself, you ponder how to connect with others.
I hope you continue to find more rest and empathy here than the feelings of hurry.
After a lot of personal reflection and rest in my own life, I’ve curated a 2025 calendar for Motherhood Minute’s community. Thank you for continuing to support and grow with me in this space. I am very excited to share this update!
At the beginning of the year, you’ll STILL be able to access all newsletters for free. But there are new benefits to being a paid member of any Motherhood Minute tier.
» This document will be pinned on the home page for easy reference.
What’s coming up:
Launching Jan 1: Winter Reflections for the Tired Mother Workbook (available for paid readers)
Mid January: 1-hour Workshop: "Winter Rest & Reality" FREE for everyone
Brain Fog Community Chat (paid members)
February: 30-minute Creative Co-working Session FREE for everyone
February: Brain Fog Community Chat (paid members)
Upcoming:: The Winter Reflections for the Tired Mother Workbook is available January 1, 2025
This ebook has journaling prompts, a personal essay, and monthly breakdown that helps you reflect on where you can rest (instead of new year resolutions.) I will share details with you next week.
If you want to take advantage of my very low membership pricing scale before the new year, they will be raising significantly January 1.
» Free Community Access
Free newsletters
Quarterly workshops
Creative co-working sessions
» Monthly Membership ($7/month) (Currently $5)
All free benefits plus:
Workshop recordings
Workbook Access
Brain-Fog Community Chats (monthly for creatives who want to inspire, share, or troubleshoot in a private paid-reader chat)
» Annual Membership ($70/year) (Currently $30)
All monthly benefits plus:
Free registration for future virtual events ($30 value)
2 months free compared to monthly support
Opportunities to get first looks at upcoming projects
Phew! After all that marketing talk, here’s a reminder that I am a real person with big plans who just needs extra support.
I know this is a lot of information! This will be saved on the main page of Motherhood Minute and updated over time for you to easily see what’s new in this online community.
I am jumping with excitement to share more with you and hope you find space here ❤️ I’d love to hear if you’re also excited about this or have any questions in the comments.
-Chanel Riggle
Very excited by all of your offerings coming up in the new year. (And it didn’t feel like I was being sold to!)
I really resonate with looking for community out of desperation, more than anything. I’m good at asking for help, in fact my life literally depends on it (hello sobriety) but I still struggle in parenting. Neither my partner or I have parents that are available, physically and/or emotionally. So connecting with a village has taken literally years to build from the ground up. And since we’ve had the pandemic + my illness to navigate since then, lots and I mean LOTS of people have fallen away.
Hmmm, Substack and finding people whose writing and art I connect with it literally like saving. Even if I don’t reach out to someone, reading that one article where you feel less alone is often the life raft I need in these winter times; seasonally and in mothering.