Got a minute?

My name is Chanel Riggle and I am tired.

Tired of fighting the niche monster that seems to want me to fit a certain box and impedes my ability to create freely and share abundantly.

So for the sake of the niche demands, here are the categories this space will explore that may interest you:

  • Motherhood

  • Mental health

  • Work

  • Creative pursuits

  • Books & Learning

  • Christian faith

  • Breaking narratives and healing trauma

None of these topics are exclusive or detached from one another because the idea that we are easily identified and not hot messes is silly to me. Can you relate?

What “Motherhood Minute” includes:

If you’re like me, there are certain places online where you enjoy reading things but motherhood is either requiring quick bursts of your attention or closed captioning entertainment during the long moments trapped under a napping child.

There are two ways you can support me here:

  1. Subscribing as a public follower for free

  2. Investing in my creative work as a financial backer. (Either way, you can read free)

Either way, let’s get reading.

Be part of a community of people who sometimes just need a break from the overstimulating, beautiful, complicated mess that is motherhood.

Here are some favorites:

Don’t forget to check out the podcast, In This Season.

Listen Here

Do you know a mother who needs a minute? Send her solidarity in the stress by sharing “Motherhood Minute.”

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Quick reads for mothers who need a minute. Deep dives into parenting, mental health, and connecting with others.


Mother, former business owner, and creative who is fighting the niche monster in bio descriptions. I write vulnerably about life as it is.