Why I'm Breaking Down The Paywalls: All Readers Are Free Readers
Motherhood Minute is becoming a 100% Generosity Backed Project
Dear reader,
When I deleted my blog and started this newsletter in June 2022, I knew I wanted to have the freedom to write about life in all its seasons without restriction. That’s why I declared on my “about” page:
My name is Chanel Riggle and I am tired.
Tired of fighting the niche monster that seems to want me to fit a certain box and impedes my ability to create freely and share abundantly.
Substack offered a great place to start this free writing philosophy, and along the way, I’ve built a community of readers and writer friends I never expected in the beginning. However, there has been one drawback to this project, which involves the concept of paid subscribers.
Two Truths And A Lie
Truth 1: Writers deserve to be paid for their hard work and shouldn’t fear asking for it.
Truth 2: I want to be paid for my hard work.
The Lie: I want to make my Motherhood Minute readers become customers.
That’s certainly a lie. There is nothing wrong with readers paying writers for their hard work but it’s always sat uneasily with me, for this specific project.
The selfish goal of Motherhood Minute has always been to foster community in a season when I have often felt isolated. This is why I am gladly shifting the conversation in this space from asking you to become a “paid subscriber” to asking you to consider donating to this creative project.
No more archive restrictions.
No more comment restrictions.
No more asking you to read with a price. I want to make Motherhood Minute a community-backed project.
No more asking you to read with a price. I want to make Motherhood Minute a community-backed project.
My plans for Motherhood Minute:
In the coming two years, I would like to use monetary funds to:
Expand the podcast “In This Season” which requires more professional recording. This includes $24/month quality recording program and cloud storage. It would also be great to find someone else who can edit a podcast episode with more quality than I can on a phone app (if you’ve got suggestions, email me).
Create a Motherhood Minute workshop with free/paid options encouraging moms to write in their seasons.
Give readers/listeners more opportunities to connect in person and virtually through a retreat or conference.
All current writings and recordings are created in the early/late hours outside my 40-hour work week and 24/7 parenting roles. Financial backing would allow me to set aside some more time to create without losing steady income. That looks like a lot less recording podcasts in closets or writing on my phone and more resources and series that matter to you.
To my current paid subscribers, your continued support is beyond words. You’ve helped me shape this community from the beginning and your emails and prayers always encourage me to keep the wheels turning. Thank you.
Will you be a creative supporter of Motherhood Minute’s community? Will you help me cultivate this community and grow?
I’m looking to grow my Substack in similar ways. I’m especially interested in opening material to everyone and giving my readers a vision for what the space might become for all of us. Thanks for this transition in your work! This post in particular I am bookmarking as an example.
I appreciate you for sharing this! I have also been going back and forth between paywalling for the same reasons. The community aspect of Substack has always been the most appealing to me; however, I still wish to be paid for my work as well. I have been experimenting with asking for support rather than highlighting benefits that "customers" would receive from subscribing. Asking for support definitely feels more aligned for where my heart is at.