Thank you so much for sharing how God has provided for you. Keep doing it. Keep trusting him. He is worthy of all our praise at all times.

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Thank you for reading ❤️

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I have found that asking my daughter (age 4) what she wants to pray for and sharing my prayers for her has been a beautiful way of being aware of God's answers and sharing our faith. We have started praying for some little girls for her to play with and when we met a girl her age at soft play I tried to cultivate that relationship as friendships were on my mind.

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I love this!

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Chanel, I needed to read this today, because just this morning I was fretting about how we will afford to replace our aging vehicles, especially once our oldest enters high school next year (a private school she selected). Thank you for the reminder of divine providence.

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Thank you for reading. I’m grateful for the opportunities that God has given us to reflect on because sometimes my faith feels so small compared to his abilities.

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I know that well. I think the sense of our smallness means we recognize his infinitude. It's a reflection of humility.

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