“I am entitled and tired.” That really resonated with me. How often do we see entitlement (especially as women) as a negative thing? What if we stood our ground and entitlement to peace? To paid maternity leave? To trusting our intuition on how to raise our babies? To seeing equal value in being a stay at home mom or fully employed mom?

Just a thought! As a new mom of an almost one-year-old who is also nurturing a new writing practice, I am grateful for your presence here and can’t wait to read more! 🙏

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Thank you for these words and keep writing even if it looks much different in motherhood than before! I do feel entitled. I know it’s often a negative comment about not having it all but I m also mourning the fact many women before us had a community of help to raise families and that’s not the case these days.

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Really exploring this notion of “having it all”. Who came up with it?! What does it even mean?! As part of our entitlement, doesn’t that mean we get to choose what “having it all” is for us?! Loving your thoughts here. I, for one, am exhausted by the hamster wheel.

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