This Winter Workshop is for you if:
you don’t understand why you and/or your child is struggling after the holidays
you don’t know what to do about it
you need to know you’re not alone
you have 35 minutes to listen and do some guided journaling with me
Vulnerable moments:
“I think we also need to learn how to lower expectations in parenthood, which when I heard that suggestion early on in motherhood, honestly pissed me off because as much as I love my child, I also was like, why do I have to be the regulated one? Why do I have to do this?
I think a lot of that is kind of the voice of our inner kid and it's also just a matter of grieving who we were before parenthood, because you can love being a mother and you can love your child but there's still that grief you need to sit with.” -Chanel Riggle
Hello, my friend! I’m having one of those wonderful weekends where I plan something for people to attend and no one (or few people) are able to show up. That being said, I call it a blessing!
First, my husband and I are starting a Faith and Fellowship bible study every other Sunday at our church. We set up the meeting space with toys, coloring pages, and a box of cookies. We knew one family was unable to come until next time but for our inaugural meeting, no one came.
Thank God.
We actually had a wonderful time being alone. My daughter quietly played with blocks and coloring pages alone while my husband and I went through the planned structure anyways. We talked about our intentions for this group, did the icebreaker question, and then read the Bible passage aloud together and discussed it. It was a huge blessing to turn a very overstimulating morning into a quiet connection opportunity. (By overstimulating I mean my daughter was very energetic and my husband had to force me to have a meal alone so I could come back into reality).
Which brings me to this Winter Workshop.
Has anyone ever told you how impossibly difficult it is to pick a time to do a group video? That only increases with moms who rely on childcare in one form or another. Truly this recording only happened because for the first time ever my husband had the same holiday off as me and took my daughter out.
For this particular workshop, I had one lovely live attendee and God once again showed me the power in two people connecting exactly where they needed to.
After we had a good chat about how difficult motherhood is when we want to create but feel incredibly tired and guilty about it, I recorded the Winter Workshop for you.
Forgive the video quality here but the captions and audio will guide you through no problem. Enjoy and remember our next free and paid community events are here.
Please pop into the comments to let me know if you loved this workshop and have suggestions on our next one (as in days or time to hold it). Thank you!
In Case You Missed It:
Here is a lovely testimony from
after the Mental Health and Motherhood Virtual Conference.