I’m completely blown away by the number of women who emailed me this past week. WEEK. What a privilege to have the opportunity to invite women into a new space and an existing one at Motherhood Minute!
After putting out the call for guest speakers in the upcoming series “Nurturing Spaces; Building Community In Motherhood,” I had my own moment of overwhelm.
Perhaps it had to do with the MRI and illness plaguing me with no answers (MRI was clear thankfully). Perhaps, it was the little tug of imposter syndrome because, whether I’m looking at other moms or professionals, I occasionally find myself flabbergasted that women are willing to connect with me.
Who am I to be receiving these emails from women I have never met? Who am I to hear from women who have generously shared their experiences?
In the past 10 years, I have made a significant effort after a mental health crisis and a prayer of desperation to never lie about my mental health again. For the past 5 years, I have been given ample opportunities by God to strip away my idols and my pride. Where has that left me? In these trials I have luckily found that my stories have connected in unexpected ways.
Who am I?
I am a storyteller, a mother, and someone who is wholeheartedly waiting to hear your stories too. What a gift this journey of motherhood has granted me in the hard times as well as the joyous ones.
Who are the women you’ll hear from? In our series of “Nurturing Spaces” we are going to hear how women are creating spaces, sustaining spaces, and tackling the cultural and psychological struggles that may come with building communities. We’re also going to hear how they’re benefiting from their motherhood communities in their season of life. (Afterall, the podcast is called In This Season).
There seems to be no better way to introduce these women who will be joining us than grabbing the words from their own newsletter headlines. In no particular order, here are a handful of lovely women you’ll hear from in the next couple months! Please click their names to subscribe to their newsletters.
Research scientist. Mother of two. Wife. Writer. Baker. Full Spectrum Doula. Founder of Postpartum Matters - a not-for-profit aimed at advocating for better postpartum care.
Unpacking friendship in motherhood (one coffee cup at a time). "The Mom Diaries" & "Momffirmations." Mother-of-two and wife. Doctoral student in Clinical Psychology. Launched in Nov. 2023.
Writer, editor, and mother, I create children's books for clients like Chronicle Books and Bravery Magazine. I also write about creativity and motherhood, sharing simple, easy ways to feel energized and inspired, even when life is bananas.
Heartbeats is a community for artists, caregivers, and messy humans. Together, we're weaving a safety net of love through the power of regenerative storytelling.
DAY JOB advising senior leaders in FTSE 100/250 companies + a NIGHT JOB hosting + producing podcasts plus writing books. 24/7 mother of 10 children.
Chanel Riggle
Mother, former business owner, and creative, who is fighting the niche monster in bio descriptions. I write vulnerably about life as it is. Motherhood Minute gives moms quick reads on topics of parenting, mental health, and more.
Leave a comment? What does building a community look like in your season of motherhood?
I love this concept! Looking forward to hearing from these women ❣️
This piece prompted me to think about my own experience of early motherhood first time round, Chanel. And the very different experience I had after my second daughter was born. Oh, the shame and uncertainty... It was rough looking around me and thinking how all those older mothers had it sussed. They most likely didn't, of course...