"I need to get back on a medication. I need to stop binge eating alone. I need to admit that dark clouds are rolling in the distance and it’s already begun to rain."

Perhaps "I need" belongs in the dustbin with "I should." After all, this could be written as a tyranny of shoulds: "I should get back on a medication. I should stop binge eating alone. I should admit that dark clouds are rolling in the distance and it’s already begun to rain."

Don't "should" on yourself. When rains come, you be a rock. No matter how the rain howls, the rock remains after they are done, and without doing much of anything. It's just itself.

Rains will come, and rains will go, and you will remain, not because of what you did, but because of what you *are.* You're Chanel Riggle. You're a daughter of GOD, the highest royalty on the planet. No amount of rain can change that nature. Ground yourself in that, and let the wind howl.

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I could have written this :( I feel you.

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