The time zones don’t quite work for me this time but I really appreciate this post. Like you, it was in becoming a mother, and passing through Matrescence that I was confronted with wanting to create again/return to creativity again (whilst acknowledging that growing a human is a hugely creative process in and of itself!).
With each child I’ve had, the need to create for myself has grown. I soon realised that waiting to create wasn’t going to work! I had to learn to create around the edges of motherhood or I wouldn’t be creating at all; I wasn’t willing to put my creativity on hold until some time in the future — life has shown me that we aren’t all gifted time on this planet — so create I do and create I must!! it’s messy and scribbly and fun and draining and scary and full of possibilities. Much like Parenthood 😊
I appreciate this post! I've been wrapped up in outlining and editing my WIP, in starting a new corporate job, in the holidays, in my kids 3rd January birthday, in in in in...the list goes on. I feel immense shame for not truly completing anything and for not getting on Substack enough or being inspired to write here. I need to pause and document.
The time zones don’t quite work for me this time but I really appreciate this post. Like you, it was in becoming a mother, and passing through Matrescence that I was confronted with wanting to create again/return to creativity again (whilst acknowledging that growing a human is a hugely creative process in and of itself!).
With each child I’ve had, the need to create for myself has grown. I soon realised that waiting to create wasn’t going to work! I had to learn to create around the edges of motherhood or I wouldn’t be creating at all; I wasn’t willing to put my creativity on hold until some time in the future — life has shown me that we aren’t all gifted time on this planet — so create I do and create I must!! it’s messy and scribbly and fun and draining and scary and full of possibilities. Much like Parenthood 😊
If you didn’t see it, the Winter Workshop recording is shared on Motherhood Minute now :)
Thank you lovely
Exactly this!
I appreciate this comment so much ❤️
I appreciate this post! I've been wrapped up in outlining and editing my WIP, in starting a new corporate job, in the holidays, in my kids 3rd January birthday, in in in in...the list goes on. I feel immense shame for not truly completing anything and for not getting on Substack enough or being inspired to write here. I need to pause and document.
I’m hosting a free workshop Monday all about resting in a season many want to push forward in (myself included).
Thank you for reading as well. I pray you have less shame ❤️