Outside of a wedding I doubt anyone would consider church to be associated with the word "romantic." But that's exactly what popped in my head during service, as I rested my head on my husband's shoulder and held his hand.
So often we think romance means excitement, but the longer we have been married I see that romance can mean peace.
The type of intimacy one has with their spouse when they pray together, when they are broken and turning to God together for healing, and when they are celebrating His blessings is...profound.
I feel incredibly fortunate to know this kind of love, a romance very different from the one we had dating or on our wedding day.
In the moments of comparing one season to another we often look back at how our Sunday mornings have changed.
There was a time when a Sunday morning was one that was sour with a hangover, a “well-deserved” bookend to a work week. We had mornings when I was very pregnant during the pandemic season where church was playing on a tv screen and we drank coffee during quiet time. Now Sunday mornings are often with us rushing out the door exhausted but doing our best to make it into church because we crave the hour of peace and my family helping watching our daughter.
Although today is by no means an anniversary, I feel encouraged to reflect how much God has changed us, humbled us, and taught us what sacrifice and grace looks like in this context.
It's messy. It's coming to ask for forgiveness. It's being vulnerable when it hurts to do so. It's a blessing.